
Although the area around Semans is primarily used for crop production, there is still cattle being raised in the area. Many of the local farmers run mixed farming operations.

Crops grown around the Semans area are wheat, barley, and oats as well as specialty crops such as canola, mustard, peas, and lentils.


Viterra Terminal
Situated between Raymore and Semans, Viterra (formerly Saskatchewan Wheat Pool) built a state-of-the-art grain terminal in 1998, and started buying grain by July of 1999. The main elevator has a 11,500 tonne (418,000 bushel) capacity, and the condominium storage will hold 16,000 tonne (582,000 bushel). The high through put terminal is equipped with drying and cleaning capabilities and a 52 rail car spot.  Viterra is the largest grain handler in Canada with over 45% of the Western Canadian market share.

Greenshields Seeds Ltd.
Greenshields Seeds Ltd. cleans grain for seed as well as processes lentils, peas, chickpeas and canary seed for export. Greenshields Seeds are agents for International Grain Trade, Agricore and Legumex who are buyers of all specialty crops.

They also offer a wide range of seed grains, oilseeds and forage for sale, as well as inoculants and seed treatments for all grains, pulses and oilseeds.

Semans Elevator
The Semans Elevator is currently owned by a group of local farmers that operate it as a Seed Cleaning Plant as well as Producer Car Loading and Custom Grain Rolling. The former Saskatchewan Wheat Pool elevator served farmers of Semans and area for many years.

Saskatchewan Wheat Pool “A” was built in 1925, and the elevator was built in 1967 on the east side of the old one. In 1980, this elevator was one of the locations selected for a pilot project introducing computers into Saskatchewan Wheat Pool’s country elevator system. The computer provided a link to the Pool’s head office in Regina. Saskatchewan Wheat Pool, now known as Viterra has been serving Semans and area for over 70 years and currently operates from their inland terminal located about 4.5 miles east of Semans, just off Highway 15.